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Today I’m calling in sick. And since I have no job I suppose I’ll be calling in sick to life. I woke up with some sort of crummy cold and decided the best way for me to get better in time for our upcoming shows is to stay in bed today. I’ve got everything I need here; warm blankets, my computer, my dog and a 24 hour Sponge Bob Marathon playing on Nickelodeon– I don’t know that feeling better will be reason enough to leave this cozy, little oasis!

Since this is my last blog of 2009 I figured it’s only appropriate to blog about New Year’s resolutions. I found an article that listed the top ten most common resolutions. This is what they came up with:

1. Spend more time with family and friends
2. Fit in fitness
3. Lose weight
4. Quit smoking
5. Enjoy life more
6. Quit drinking
7. Get out of debt
8. Learn something new
9. Help others
10. Go to more Philmont shows

Okay, so I may have improvised on one of those. So there’s the list folks! Are any of you planning on pursuing any of the above mentioned goals?

I personally have a short list of 3 resolutions.
1. Read more books
2. Keep up with a blog
3. Learn Adobe After Effects

#1 seems to be on my list every year and considering that 09 was the first time I’d actually started and finished a book since college I’d say I’m improving! In 2010 I’d like to read at least one book every month. Considering all the time I spend in the bus it shouldn’t be an issue. Plus I have a couple great books from Christmas that I’m itching to read.

#2 is something that I must have started and faulted on a dozen times in the last couple of years! I don’t know why but I love to set up and start blogs- keeping up with them on the other handโ€ฆwell that’s a different story. But now that I’ve told all of you about it I’ll feel like a super fool for pooping out on yet another blog. So in 2010 you can find my personal blog here:

#3 should be fun! I have the new Adobe After Effects software (it’s a type of special effects video editing program) and a “how to” book to teach me the ropes. Maybe I can post some of my first projects on my blog!

What are some of your resolutions for 2010? What are some resolutions that you actually stuck to from 2009?
See you in the next decade!
-Scott (@ScottyMctaube)


  1. Could you help me with my resolution? You actually listed mine. It’s the very last one.
    A BIG HELP would be sending PhilMont to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thanks Scott. Hope all is well.


  2. Going to more Philmont shows would be mine!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I would also love to make more time to read my bible!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I’m going to try to learn more AE as well. I even wrote that on my blog. Check it out. The link to that is over to the left (my name).

  4. -To spend more time reading my Bible and memorizing Bible verses

    -Get good enough on my new electric guitar to play Philmont songs ๐Ÿ™‚ And going to some shows would be nice too

    -To practice songs on piano that I hate as much as I practice the ones I love

    -AND read more non-fiction books. Which I’ve already started XD

    • Erica Hildebrand
    • Posted December 28, 2009 at 1:04 AM
    • Permalink
    • Reply

    What did I manage to actually upkeep; a grade point average over 4.0 (with 5 kids this was WORK), to volunteer more at church especially in youth (its a blast), read less books (I am consumed by books I honestly read over 350 books in 2008) and more bible.

    Next year my goals are simple; spend more time cultivating my relationship with God, take a few months and enjoy my family before I go back to get my second degree, eat less and move more :o) DO NOT TURN 30 (tho this one may prove impossible next Sept. )

    Good luck with the blog :o) We’ll remind you when you forget haha.

  5. i read too many books!!! hahah

    hmm i think my new years resolution will be to do better in school haha
    to do my homework. lol
    even though i hate it
    i should at least do some of it haha

    and probably some other stuff
    but i cant think of them right now :]

  6. So once-a-week blog posts on here aren’t enough for you eh Taube?


  7. Seriously…

    I don’t get why people who live from their voices keep on smoking. You know that every sigaret takes 28 minutes of your life? So…you should stop yes ๐Ÿ˜›
    Good luck with that and all your other resolutions ๐Ÿ™‚


  8. Chantal-
    I can’t help but notice from your comment that you’ve mistaken the “Ten Most Common New Years Resolutions” for my own personal resolutions.
    They are not one in the same!
    Since I don’t smoke I won’t need to kick the habit in 2010. If you did, in fact, mistake the top 10 resolutions for mine I’m a little bothered that your opinion of me may now be that I’m an overweight couch potato who’s too drunk to learn something new or too busy smoking to go out and enjoy life with friends and family, has no interest in helping others and often misses his own band’s shows!
    I’m definitely not that guy!

  9. i would like to second Delaney’s motion, you guys really should come to Tulsa. better yet, you should come play at ORU’s Maybee Center…yeah, that would totally work lol.

    anywho, my list o’ resolutions is pretty short this time around. i just want to grow in the Lord and get through my first year of college unscathed lol.
    and i’m also starting up a blog to help me keep track of where my days are going (cause to be honest i really don’t know what i do with my life lol)

    anyways, good luck in your endevors! have a kick-awesome new year and feel better (you know if you’re not already)

  10. I know that my comment is a little late but…
    My resolutions for this year are:
    -to grow in my relationship with Jesus
    -to write more (because that is where I feel my calling is)
    -to live a healthier lifestyle
    -to be a friend to the friendless
    -and to read classic books

    loved the blog post and keep up the great work

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